



  • M.S. Biology, North Carolina State University, 2019
  • B.S. in Geology, Western Illinois University, 1994
  • M.A. 社会学,德保罗大学,2011年


Lisa sees the field of paleontology as an interconnected science, and considers all components to the process of research and discovery as essential. She particularly focusses on the materials and methods that are necessary to understand and discover the evolutionary and ecological history of life on earth. 为此目的, Lisa participates in the process from field collecting, 数据管理, 化石准备,保护, 内容管理, 测量, 分析和展示. Her main goals are to develop and promote best practices in the science of paleontology.

Her current work includes focussing on improving data management at the museum, 监督准备工作和培训, studying new specimens of a unique clade of Mesozoic turtle known as Helochelydridae, and researching unique solutions to the problem of pyrite decay in collections.


  • Hell Creek Formation; Montana 2017 - :
  • Moreno Hill, Menefee, 和Crevasse Canyon Formations; New Mexico 2016 - :
  • Mussentuchit Member, Cedar Mountain Formation; Utah 2012 - :
  • Ingersoll Shale; Alabama 2012
  • Pekin Formation; North Carolina 2012 - :
  • Yellow Cat Member; Cedar Mountain Formation; Utah 2012 - :
  • Green River Formation; Wyoming 1999, 2001, 2004-2007, 2009
  • Big Horn Basin; Wyoming 2003, 2004


  • 20. Beguesse K, Canoville A, Herzog L, Zanno LE. 2019. Bone Pathologies In The Early Cretaceous Therizinosaurian Falcarius Utahensis. 生物工程学报,2019,30 (6):481 - 481.
  • 19. 刘建军,刘建军,刘建军,等. 2019. Comparative Osteology Of Entoplastra Reveals Their Diagnostic Utility For Differentiating North American Helochelydrid Species J Vert Paleontol Progr Abstr, 2019, 117.
  • 18. 赫尔佐格,L. 2019. Understanding the Mechanisms of Pyrite Decay. Making the Case for Natural History 集合: Program & Abstracts of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History 集合.
  • 17. 赫尔佐格,. 2018. 减缓黄铁矿衰变. Abstracts of the 11th Association for Materials and Methods in 古生物学 Annual Meeting. 平台演示
  • 16. Button K, Cross L, Rende K, Weaver PG, Van Veldhuizen JA, Herzog LL, Zanno. 2017. Turning Teens Into FossilPhiles: Citizen Science 和一个dvanced Visualization of Paleontological 集合. 地球物理学报,2017,42 (1)
  • 15. Van Veldhuizen JA, Weaver PG, Zanno LE, Herzog LL. 2017. Developing a Workflow for Transferring and Rehousing Specimens During a Cabinetry Upgrade: A Case Study from the 北卡罗莱纳州自然科学博物馆. Association for Materials and Methods in 古生物学 Annual Meeting, 10 th , Austin, TX p53
  • 14. 赫尔佐格,. Zanno L.E.马科维基,P. J. 2015. New Records of Solemydid Turtles in North America: specimens from the upper cretaceous Mussentuchit member of the Cedar Mountain Formation. Society of Vertebrate 古生物学 Abstracts of Papers 75th Annual Meeting, November 2015. (接受作海报展示)
  • 13. 赫尔佐格,. L.,赞诺,L.E. 2015. Histological 和Computed Tomographic (CT) Analysis of Paleopthological Limb Bones. NC State University 10th Annual Graduate Student 研究 Symposium Abstracts, p.和海报展示.
  • 12. Zanno LE, Arbour VM, Gates TA, Makovicky PJ, Loewen MA, Button K, Moyer AE, Bridges T, Herzog LL . 2015. Body mass transformations in the mid-Cretaceous of North America: how eustasy, 范围的限制, and clade sorting shaped the evolution of dinosaur size. 生物工程学报,2015,44
  • 11. 赫尔佐格,. L.,赞诺,L.E.Kirkland J. I. 2014. Histological Analysis of an Enigmatic Microstructural Paleopathology on Limb Bones of the Theropod Dinosaur Falcarius utahensis. Society of Vertebrate 古生物学 Abstracts of Papers 74th Annual Meeting, November 2014.
  • 10. Zanno L.柯克兰,J.赫尔佐格·L. L. 2014. Second Therizinosaurian Mass Death Locality in the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation Yields a New Taxon. Society of Vertebrate 古生物学 Abstracts of Papers 74th Annual Meeting, November 2014.
  • 9. 赫尔佐格,.,赞诺,L. E.马科维基,P. J. 2014. New Solemydid turtle specimens from the upper cretaceous Musssentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation. Proceedings of the Mid-Mesozoic: The Age of Dinosaurs in Transition Conference. 柯克兰J.福斯特,J.亨特-福斯特,R.利格特,G. A. 和K .特鲁希略. eds.
  • 8. Zanno L.E.柯克兰,J. I.赫尔佐格,L. 2014. Second Mass-Death Locality of a Basal Therizinosaur From the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, 犹他州中东部:一个可能的新分类单元. Proceedings of the Mid-Mesozoic: The Age of Dinosaurs in Transition Conference. 柯克兰J.福斯特,J.亨特-福斯特,R.利格特,G. A. 和K .特鲁希略. eds.
  • 7. 赫尔佐格,. 2014. Solutions for small delicate specimens: print your own form fitted specimen cradle. Abstracts of the 7th Annual Fossil Preparation and 集合 Symposium, 犹他州自然历史博物馆.
  • 6. 赫尔佐格,. 和一个. 山中. 2009. Effective Micropreparation Workstation Setup. Journal of Vertebrate 古生物学 29(Supplement to No.3):114A
  • 5. Bergwall L. 2008. Fossil Preparation Test: an indication of manual skills. First Annual Fossil Preparation and 集合 Symposium, Abstracts of papers 1:5
  • 4. 山中,. 和L. Bergwall. 2007. Pyrite oxidation: Review and prevention practices. Journal of Vertebrate 古生物学 27(Supplement to No.3):145A
  • 3. Bergwall L. 和一个. 山中. 2005. 和埃尔默一起旅行. Journal of Vertebrate 古生物学 25(Supplement to No.3):36A
  • 2. 山中,.伯格沃尔,L. 和C. VanBeek. 2005. BSV scaling: A simple viscosity scale for adhesives and consolidants and its applications. Journal of Vertebrate 古生物学 25(Supplement to No.3):115A
  • 1. Bergwall L. 2001. Preparing for acid preparation by embedding in resin: Solving the problem of silvering. Journal of Vertebrate 古生物学 21(Supplement to No.3)


  • 赫尔佐格,. 2014. Ancient turtle comes into focus, piece by piece. Inside NC Sciences. 新闻 & Observer, (and) Charlotte Observer, March 20, 2016.
  • 赫尔佐格,. 2014. NC Museum of Natural Sciences’ summer haul? 两吨重的恐龙骨头. Inside NC Sciences. 新闻 & Observer, (and) Charlotte Observer, October 5, 2014.
  • 赫尔佐格,, Schweitzer, M和Zanno L. 2013. 《威洛回心转意. 的博物学家. 2013年春季. pp 6-7.
  • 赫尔佐格,. 2010. 第三届年度化石准备 & 集合 Symposium Schedule 和一个bstracts Booklet. 丽莎·赫尔佐格,编辑.
  • 赫尔佐格,. 2010. 微制备工作站的设计. 地质馆长9(3):6页.
  • Bergwall L. 2009. Fossil preparation test: an indication of manual skills. In: Methods In Fossil Preparation: Proceedings of the First Annual Fossil Preparation and 集合 Symposium, pp 35-40. 布朗,米.A.凯恩,J.F.帕克,W.G. Eds.

